Thursday, September 25, 2008


Billy is great at starting things but he doesn't always finish them. If you are reading this, love you anyway, Dear. Sometimes he has to quit due to lack of funds. Other times he just abandons them simply because he decided it was too tough or taking too long. We all do this, not just Billy. I do, but I don't attempt things on a grand scale the way he does. He tries to build mountains, I build molehills.

There is no question that life gets hard sometimes. There are days when we may have to push ourselves just to make it though. It is easy to just give up on things. But it is those determined people who pick themselves up and keep on going that accomplish great things. “Remember when you see a man at the top of a mountain, he didn't fall there.” I love this quote. We may give up on projects we start in this life but Heaven is a more worthy goal. We must keep on fighting the good fight and seeking the top of that mountain.


Nicole said...

Thanks for the reminder to keep pushing through. Hope you are doing okay. I'm saying a prayer for you right now!


Eve said...

Thank you nicole.

"Lord, please bless my friend Nicole, today".

Debra said...

Eve, this was just wonderful...

I LOVED your comment about using your shoulder pads for angels' wings!!!(on my blog)

I'm going to remember that quote about the man on the mountain not falling there.
I know I'll come back to this post. Thank you for it.
Love, Debra

JeanMac said...

What a quote!

Lucy Stern said...

We climb, we get higher and then something happens that pushes us down again. We get up and start chimbing again, the climb is tough but we have to keep going. What happens if we just quit? We never make it to the top and then where will we be? The climb is worth it!