Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Picture of Oprah and Eckhart Tolle, author of "The Secret".. according to Eckhart Tolle there is no such thing as Sin!

Oprah Winfrey on her show was praising and showcasing several New Age luminaries. But when a Christian woman in the audience asks Oprah, “What about Jesus?,” Oprah insists Jesus “can't possibly be the only way” to God.... And the sparks fly! Although raised Baptist, Oprah Winfrey's faith has undergone a significant transformation towards New Age spirituality. Oprah denies the Biblical Gospel of Jesus Christ by teaching tens-of-millions of her viewers that there are many paths to God.

When you were born on this Earth, you were born into the family of man. To receive the inheritance of God, you must be born into the family of God. In other words, you need to be born again as a spirit man, into the spiritual realm of the Holy Spirit. Flesh and blood cannot inherit his Kingdom. There is a lot of "New Age" Ala Oprah, being taught that says, you are already a child of God just by virtue of being born into this world. The bible clearly tells you this is not true. There is only one way to become a child of God and that is through the blood of Jesus. Oprah denies this and tells her audience, there are many ways to God. I fear for those who follow this woman and hang on her every word. The day Oprah denied Jesus as Saviour is the day I stopped watching her.

Since, to a lot of people this is old news, I wasn't going to make a post about it. The other day I was talking to someone who watches Oprah all the time. I mentioned this and she hadn't heard about what Oprah said. So I though I would do it, in case others missed that show. Make no mistake, there are those who hang on her every word, buy what she tells them,,,especially books. This makes her a dangerous woman with a lot of influence on the young Mothers who watch her faithfully, every day. And through all this, she still insists she is a Christian and that may be the most dangerous statement of all for those who do not read their Bible.


Lucy Stern said...

If she were a real Christain, she would know that the only way to God is thru his son Jesus Christ. I still don't know how she can deny Christ. I haven't been watching her since she made that statement and I hear that she is losing a lot of her audience because of it. So Sad.

Lib said...

Amen Sister!
Have a Blessed day!

Liz Harrell said...

Hmmmm... I've seen that clip on you tube. I was surprised, b/c well, she's Oprah. :)

Ronda said...

Amen & well said. I hope & pray God will open the eyes of those who are "following " her.
By the way your blog is wonderful.
Love & Prayers,

Debra said...

Hello again!
This is so important. I know people that view her as almost a god. They get their 'theology' from her. I have had to contradict what she is 'teaching' on her show. It's very sad. You can use charisma in a very deadly way. I pray she will see the TRUE light. We need to pray for her!

JeanMac said...

Was disappointed.

Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your blog name.

Esther said...

It's been disconcerting that a friend has been quoting Eckert Tolle lately... as though it's gospel. Oprah is subtle; she mixes in just enough "faith" and "spirituality" that we can be taken in. Thanks for speaking the truth!

vikki said...

i pray too, that she will not have a big influence on others with this 'new age' thing. i also have not watched her show. i am not a big tv nut anyhow. but ~ when i heard about this months ago... i had thought many would follow oprah, since she does so many great things. with her political backings she has ~ we need alot of prayer & faith for others to know our Jesus! and to remember He is in control. hugs & blessings, vikki ♥