Sometimes it seems like life is just all uphill. Your funds are low, debts high. It is hard to smile and be happy when faced with economic difficulties. That is the time when you need to rest in the Lord. You have heard the expresson, "Let go and let God"? It is not quitting to turn things over to him. You never know just how close you are to victory. When you think there is no way things can work out. That is when God loves to work.
Radioactive: The Karen Silkwood Mystery
4 weeks ago
This is a good song. I think I've heard Karen Wheaton (or is it Mike Purkey) sing this song. Either or, it IS a good song. :)
I think a lot of people have sung this. The first time I heard it, Lauren Talley was singing it. I like Joy Gardner's voice and I think she might have originated it.
Put that camera down, I look terrible. LOL
I thought I would check out this blog and I want you to know I really think it is great! Keep up the good word!!
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