Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Psalm 121:1, "I will lift up my eyes to the hills - from whence comes my help?"

I think so many people get confused by this scripture because they fail to read the next verse. The psalmist goes on to say in the next verse, "My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth." There is the answer. Don't look to the things the Lord has made like the hills, trees, moon or sun for your help. Help does not come from these things - it comes only from Our Father Who made them.

People today are used to immediate gratification. But the bible says we are to wait on the Lord. When we ask him for help, we must learn to wait for the answer and in God's own time we will receive. It is only when we lean on our own understanding and try to control the situation that we get off track.

“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart. Take courage; yea, wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:14).

You will receive the help you need if you learn to wait for God's answer to your problem.
You do not know in what form your help will come. But you do not need to know. Just take the next step. Your help will come from the Lord in his own time.

"The Sun"s gonna shine in his own good time, and he will see you through." to quote that beautiful song by Cynthia Clawson.


Renna said...

A very good Word, and so true!

Jamie Dawn said...

I've been a fan of Cynthia Clawson's gorgeous voice for many years. She and Sharalee Lucas were a couple of my favorite singers when I was growing up.

I agree with you. Don't look to the hills for help, because those hills can't do a thing for you except look pretty.
God is who we call on!

JeanMac said...

I love that and have held tight to the words over and over.

Renie Burghardt said...

Hi Eve,

Beautiful and so true. Help comes only from the Lord.

Thank you for visiting my humble blog. Nice to get to know you. I will be back visiting you often.



vikki said...

wonderful words! be still & know i am God. i always loved that, too. great writings ~ love it! hugs & blessings, vikki ♥