Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, of the heart, the mind, the soul and just don't have the strength to face life. Most people have been blessed with family and friends. They know when they are feeling weak, they can turn to a friend or a family member. But what if you are alone and there is no one you can turn to or ask for help?

I have good news for you! You do have someone and he is as close as your next heartbeat. Show him your weakness, tell him your deepest sorrow and lean on him. His name is Jesus and he loves you with a love that is unconditional. He can carry your burdens, you don't have to carry them alone. He will lead you through the valley of darkness you are in and help you find the mountain top.

He will be your friend in the night. I have talked to him many times when I thought all hope was gone. He has never let me down, not once. I may not have understood at the time but when I look back on all that has happened to me, I know that he was there. He does not always give us help in the way we expect and in the time limit we put on him but he is always on time.

He loves you and if you don't know him, it is never to late to learn of him. He is standing at the door of your heart. All you have to do is open that door. Ask him into your heart. I promise you, You will feel peace like you have never known. Do it now! We are not guaranteed tomorrow.


Melissa said...

A beautiful invitation. I can second this statement "I have talked to him many times when I thought all hope was gone. He has never let me down, not once. I may not have understood at the time but when I look back on all that has happened to me, I know that he was there. He does not always give us help in the way we expect and in the time limit we put on him but he is always on time."

Debra said...

I love your blog, and I want to put it on my blogroll. I really needed to read the post about the peaceful painting. I just loved it, and I needed it so much. I'm going to write about it, and send people here, if that's okay. I'd like people to read that story-I need that peace as we live next to a loud and hurting neighbor who needs the Lord. It's been hard for both us and especially him. Thank you so much for stopping at my blog. It was God prompting you, for sure.-Debra

Eve said...

Debra...It is more than okay to send people here. I love that you want too.

I will add you to my prayer chain. Sometimes our patience is tried to the last thread but if we hang in there, circumstances can change.

JeanMac said...

That's my favorite.

Renna said...

I am gaining an increased awareness of the reality that God in me means He really is with me at all times. That is awesome to know! :-)

Thank you so much for your very sweet comment on my blog today! :-)

vikki said...

it is sucha warmth of peace that surrounds you knowing He is there ~ come to me who are weary, heavy burdened ~ so comforting. there is many times a day i call on Him. it is a great comfort ~ to call on God. i soo love your blog! thank*u m'dear ~ for sharing your love ~ a true blessing. hugs & blessings, vikki ♥

Lib said...

AMEN! A Great post!
Hope you're having a great wk.

Jamie said...

Well said! He is a faithful God!

Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog.

Anonymous said...

what a great blog. i've been looking for something like this.

Eve said...

jenx67...I just read yours. It was beautiful. I think we are on the same side. : )

Esther said...

Our Lord loves us so! He has been there many times in the night for me, too. I love these lines from a Rich Mullins song: "And I wake up in the night and feel the dark... It's so hot inside my soul I swear there must be blisters on my heart... So hold me Jesus, 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf... You have been King of my glory; won't you be my Prince of Peace?"

Eve, your posts are such lovely words of truth about our Lord that I will list you on my blogroll...

Keep trusting in Him!