Sunday, July 20, 2008


Proverbs 25:11 says, "A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.

"Whoever said "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me," must have been deaf. Words can hurt. Relentless teasing can be devastating to a child. Harsh words from a husband and wife to one another, can hurt. Verbal abuse is, about Power and Control. When we feel we are losing an argument, we will resort to verbal abuse or name calling. Some abusers have such a low self-esteem that to make themselves feel better they need to Control a person or thing. They will do anything to make themselves feel better. So they use words they know will hurt.

But there is another side to this story. As destructive as words can be, they can also build someone up and restore their self esteem. Tell someone thank you for being there for you in a time of trial. Tell a friend how you admire him for the way he handled a difficult situation. Don't forget to tell a person who works for you, the boy who cuts your grass, the girl who cuts your hair, the grocery store clerk, how you appreciate the good job they do. Even babysitters like to hear they did a good job. Tell people you love, how thankful you are to have them in your life. Tell them you are grateful for the way they always have your back. Tell your husband or wife, what a blessing they are to you. Use words wisely, they can hurt or heal. What you say and the way you say it, does matter. Strive to be a builder, not a destroyer.

Respect, love, gratitude, and admiration expressed with honesty are words that can heal.


Come Away With Me said...

What an excellent post. I totally agree that words are extremely important and the way we use them brings life or death. Thank you for reminding us.

Also, I appreciate your recent visit and comment on my blog!

a woman who is said...

Well written, and wonderfully put.
Thanks for dropping by Eve, it is nice to meet you.

Anonymous said...

I, too, appreciate your words. So well written.
Words, spoken or written, are our most powerful tools toward and about others.
Your post is a wonderful reminder of how to use those words.
I will keep your post to read again and again, lest I forget.
Betty G
Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Roses and Lilacs said...

Thanks for reminding us all that sincere praise is so important to all of us.

Anonymous said...

Truer words have never been spoken! Hello from your northern neighbor! It has been a crazy weekend. But I am back. Have a great day!

Eve said...

Hello, neighbor. I love you blog on the wildlife of MS. I will be checking it often.

Esther said...

You have spoken my heart... completely! If I am nothing else in this life, I wish for my words to help others understand how valued they are. Thank you for such a tremendously important post. Well said!